Friday, March 20, 2009

hector it is

I'm sure there are reasons to love my knitting machine, so I will try to list some:
1) It has the word "knitting" in its name
2) It looks kinda like E.T. just without any lovable humanoid side
3) It's old and funky and when we hang out together I get all greasy and feel like an auto mechanic. Then I remember my 20-hour stint as an auto mechanic was an unmitigated disaster, except for the "I get to get all greasy" part.
4) It has never betrayed a confidence
5) It's a machine. Machines are cool. If I were 17, I'd say it was bad-ass. Of course if I were really 17, I'd think it was lame.
6) I think if I learn to love it, it will love me back, albeit passively. Like my grandmas did.
7) When it was young, people probably used to say things like, "Pipe down, 'Ed Sullivan' is on!" and "I haven't seen the likes of that garment since Hector was a small pup."
OK, it is decided. I will call my knitting machine Hector. That alone may inspire a twinge of love. It reminds me of my mom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hector is cool. I bet once you get more experience using him you can produce 100 afghans for your middle kid! What's the green bit of knitting on the machine in the picture? And yay, you started working on the sock blank socks!